Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Parenting LEVERAGE" is Kids' Keys To Success

Exciting News!!!

Kids' Keys To Success has just released their latest program "Parenting LEVERAGE"!

Parenting LEVERAGE is a super affordable monthly membership to change the way mom and dad view parenting and make parenting fun and easy.

I know every parent wants to be the best parent they can be.

I know this goal often gets lost in the chaos of work, schedules, school, errands, chores, etc.; all the demands that tug and pull you away from being able to focus on your ultimate goal: raising your child to be well-rounded, have an rock-solid confidence, adaptable personality, and an empathetic soul.

As a result of constant demands away from our parenting goal we experience awful consequences: inappropriate attention getting behaviors like temper tantrums, hitting, bullying, withdrawing, over active interest in sexual activities, use of drugs, alcohol, gaming, poor personal choices and wrong judgement calls, to name a few.

Parenting LEVERAGE changes all of this with audio lessons and recommended activities for your family (included activities for each age level of your child and activity to do as a family)

and coaching offered by a clinical therapist.

To find out more read our Press Release and sample a free 7 Day News series by signing in here ($150 value).

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Recipe Mom is a Great Key To Success

Have you ever noticed that the more you talk with others and learn about others, the more inspired you are?

Have you ever been inspired to jump out of your comfort zone and do something you have never done before or haven't done in a long time?

You know the things you can do but are always putting off, such as volunteering, raising awareness about great causes, learning how to truly give, and participating in something that has more to do with someone else than for yourself.

I am so guilty of this; it has been a long time since I have done them.

My most recent excuses have been: "I am too busy"; "I don't have time"; and "My family (kids) need me more."

Well, because I participate in a forum called the Blog Train I was inspired to do just that.
I stepped out from my comfort zone and joined in the effort to raise more awareness, food, and funds for our local food cupboard.

Laurie Stasuik from The Recipe Mom wrote an article about feeding the hungry that truly inspired me.

My recommendation: visit her site and be inspired. Not only will Laurie inspire you to participate in activities outside your comfort zone but she dishes out some awesome recipes for the holidays, special treats, and everyday meals that are quick and easy and super tasty.

See what her readers have to say by visiting The Recipe Mom

My kids need me to, my family needs me to, my community needs me to, and most importantly I needed me to!

Teach your child about making time for important things...

Free Press ReleasePress Release: The Blog Train's Whistle Is Blowin'