Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What Is "Kids' Keys To Success"?

As I sit here thinking about how to explain why Kids' Keys To Success exists, I am overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions relating to my love for my children. For years I have researched, questioned, asked, and have tortured myself because I dodn't know the "best" things to do for my kids and often feel like a failure. I have even questioned why my God blessed me with my beautiful children when I don't know what I am doing. Pretty desperate, right!

Have you ever felt this way? I am sure there are moms and dads out there who have never felt this desperation but probably, some do and can relate to where I am coming from. My husband reminds me him, there are even those, who have never identified those feelings as fear of failing but do want to offer their kids all that is possible. So, I made this site for all of us...

Anyway you see it, Kids' Keys To Success is a place for all of us to come together, share those thoughts and evolve our uncertainties into inspiration, empowerment, and action. This site will evolve because of all the viewers' participation. Kids' Keys won't go anywhere without you.

I am depending on you to help me not only become a better parent but a better person. My hypothesis is... if I find this happening to me, the same will happen for you.

My plan is to conduct interviews with renowned authors, share literature and products related to offering insight into parenting and thoughts about what is "best" for our kids. I began this blog to help me find the answers I need to successfully parent my kids. I know my answers might not be yours, visa-versa, but that too will assist in my struggles. I figure even if I learn what I don't think are the answers for me, I will be minimizing the huge playing field of "parenting experts" and tips.

So, how 'bout it? Help me and I'll do my best to help you. I encourage all comments excluding harassment, belittling, and degradation. I am offering this site in good will...allowing only those comments in good faith.

If you are looking to promote your own product related to parenting and kids' well being, I am all for it. However, advertising or promoting products without permission from Kids Keys To Success will cause immediate termination from the blog. Direct any questions to

Now that I have those pieces explained, please blog away... share your concerns, offer tips that work for you, and share with us the stories that make life worth living.

Upcoming Event:

MeglenaAntonova.jpgNext up....Meglena Antonova. One of Meglena's goals is to share tips with parents to create more green conscious kids. I don't know about you but since the kids are our future we better be teaching them what's needed to ensure a future! Meglena discusses how our green decisions affect our child's thoughts for their future. More info. will be shared soon!

Please let me know what your hot topics are!!!! Blog Away!

With Sincere Appreciation for Reading...

Jen Edwards

Kids Keys' To Success

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hi Jen,
Love the new blog, very bright and colorful and full of lots of great info!